Pelvic saddle-horn injury outcomes & male sexual dysfunction
After a bucked rider is thrown back in the saddle the collision of the saddle may cause direct injury into the pelvic area i.e. a pelvic fracture. In this study, 20 male riders with operative treatment of the pelvis are included during a thirty-three months period. They all received physical therapy for gait training and weight bearing for twelve weeks. The patients were allowed to return to full activity (including riding) once they walked without assistive device.
All patients were men with mean age of forty-eight years (range nineteen to sixty-eight) and overweighted. The measurements included Visual Analogue Scale for pain, erectile function index, pelvic score and occupational and recreational functions.
90% of the participants had sexual dysfunction, only the youngest had normal function. These dysfunctions manifest in erectile, orgasmic, sexual desire and intercourse satisfaction. The overall sexual satisfaction was significantly decreased where Viagra caused no improvement. 40% described persistant urinary symptoms. Pain was activity-related
It is suggested that differences in men’s and women’s pelvic makes the men’s more vulnerable to injury.
> From: Collinge et al., J Bone Jolnt Surg Am. 91- A (2017) 1630 - 1636. All rights reserved to The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. Inc. . Click here for the online summary.