Postural changes due to tape in riders
Dressage riders strive to be harmonious with a horse’s movement and have correct application when giving aids. Rider asymmetry is mainly corrected with physiotherapeutic interventions which focus on core stabilization exercises. Methods of taping for general posture enhancement has shown positive effects, therefore, this article aims to investigate mechanical changes in the rider’s posture following the intervention of tape.
Ten healthy female dressage riders were tested using three-dimension motion analysis for their trunk and pelvis movements before and after tape application. Reflective markers were attached to riders' tight fitting clothes at specific body landmarks to help with testing. The tape application was standardised by using a single qualified clinician with experience of applying athletic tape for posture control.
The results show that riders had asymmetric characteristics of trunk and pelvic postures during sitting trot before tape was applied. Once tape was applied over the thoracic spine, there was a significant increase in the range of trunk lateral flexion. This increased motion in the lumbar region is to compensate for the tape in the thoracic region. This shows that applying tape to improve symmetry can alter the rider’s posture.
Expert opinion by Els Smet
Although the application of tape may help align the spine, it is important to be aware of the restrictive mechanisms and the possible compensations this may cause. This may help clinicians decide which taping technique would best suit the rider or if the compensations would become more prominent.
> From: Alexander et al., Physical Therapy in Sport 16 (2015) 154-161. All rights reserved to Elsevier. Click here for the online summary.