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Fit en soepel dier is Renee de Weerd

I established in 2016, right after I graduated as an ICREO animal osteopath.

Since a young age I have been an animal lover. But I never knew how to combine my love for animals with a job a liked. Because of my interest of de living and moving body I decided to study physiotherapy. I graduated from the Hanzehogeschool in Groningen as a physiotherapist in 2007. Since then I have been working as physiotherapist in multiple settings.

During my working years as a physiotherapist I became more and more interested in the approach of seeing the body as one interconnected functioning unit. After hearing about osteopathy en the osteopathic approach of the body I finally became aware of what my dream job would be.

Because of my love for animals, horses in particular, I choose to specialise in animal osteopathy so I could combine those two interests.

Besides animal osteopathy I am specialised in dry needling and taping, both for horses and for humans.