Horsepower by Zadok Ben-David, 1999
The artist has chosen the skeleton of a horse with indications to all anatomical parts just as occurring in textbooks dealing with knowledge of the horse. We can consider it as an ode to the historical education about the horse, which was essential for anybody who worked with horses for transport, agriculture and military activities until about 1940.
For this historical subject the artist has chosen a combination of modern material and traditional processing. The shape of this horse and its posture reflect the Arabian breed, which is often chosen in illustrations just because of its elegance.
This work of art collapsed from its socle after a storm in The Hague, was re-erected but collapsed for the second time and was never again re-erected.
This article is reposted from the website of the author Boudewijn Commandeur: thehorseinart.nl
Want to see more of Zakok Ben-Davids' work? Visit his website!