Half-pass by a Cadre Noir member (1902-1998)
This rider performs a beautiful half-pass excercise, in French l’appuyement. The horse trots forward and sideways on a diagonal line, crossing its legs.
This colored drawing was made the colonel Georges Margot, who was the écuyer-en-chef of the cavalry school in Saumur from 1946 until 1959. Margot had a very fortunate combination of talents as a gifted rider and an original artist. He started to make sketches of horses in Saumur in 1932, but became more active as an artist after his retirement. In 1994 an exhibit of his work was organized in Saumur, showing 200 drawings. Next to dressage horses his work includes harness horses during competitions.
This article is reposted from the website of the author Boudewijn Commandeur: thehorseinart.nl