Falls and injuries to polo players
This is the first study on the perception of risk and in risk factors for injuries in polo players.
The effect of protective gear needs testing and helmet manufacturers should incorporate both style and safety into design. At least ambulance and paramedics should attent polo games.
The same authors previously reported on the prevalence and risk factors for injuries in polo ponies. There has only been one publication on injuries in polo players.
Data was collected with an anonymous telephone interview. There were questions about injuries (reported hospital visits), height, weight, handicap, intensity of winter exercise, the importance of pre-season training, their self reported fitness levels, their perception of risk during the season and their opinion about doctors attending games.
Falls, aiming for a better handicap and higher self-assessed fitness level increased the risk of injuries. Use of wrist support, pre-season training and gym exercise reduced the risk of injuries.
Woman didn’t report as much injuries as men.
Injuries to polo riders: a prospective evaluation
Polo pony injuries: player-owner reported risk, perception, mitigation and risk factors.
> From: Inness et al., Sports Med Open 1:2 (2015) 1 - 6(Epub ahead of print). All rights reserved to Licenssee Springer. Click here for the online summary.