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Written by Sophie Delemarre
Posted in Rider fitness

High horses Therapeutic Riding
Image by: High horses Therapeutic Riding

Parents perceptions of therapeutic horseback riding

Animals (and horses in particular) have shown helpfull in the rehabilitation and rehabilitation of humans. Horses are among other things used as therapy in children with a disability or a chronic illness. This is called therapeutic horseback riding (TBH). The proof of the effect of THB is explained by many articles, but only a few articles cover the opinions of parents about this matter.

Most parents reported that the physical effect was the most noticable. They claimed that THR had a great effect on posture and core stability. In addition to physical progress, psychological effects were also visible to the parents. They indicated that their child had become more confident and independent since (and thanks to) the THR. Some parents noticed cognitive effects, like skill building, increase of focus and academic improvement. In addition to the physical and psycological effects, the parents told the interviewer that their child apeared more social and calmer. 

In conclusion most parents had good experiences with THR and spoke optimistically about the program.

> From: Boyd et al., Afr J Disabil 26;6;307 (2017) 1-9. All rights reserved to Creative Commons Attribution License. Click here for the online summary.

equest center for therapeutic riding
Image by: equest center for therapeutic riding