Effects of horseriding on post-traumatic stress disorder
Post-traumatic stress disorder is common in military veterans as a result of the traumatic events they witness during their service. Social cognitive therapy is used as a therapy to treat PTSD. Research of new interventions to treat PTSD is scarse. In this study there has been found a new way to help treat these patients.
A group of 57 veterans from the U.S. was willing to volunteer in a randomized trial. The demographic and health history information an additional few outcome measures were used in this study. Additional instruments aimed to gather information on self-coping, emotion regulation, a scale of social and emotional loneliness and a PTSD-checklist.
After the 6 weeks of THB-intervention the veterans had a significant decrease in PTSD symptoms. The study claims that THR isn’t a replacement of the conventional therapies to treat PTSD, but the results show that it could be a good complementary therapy.
> From: Johnson et al., Mil Med Red 5:3 (2018) 1-13. All rights reserved to Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Click here for the online summary.