Injuries in horseracing
Jockeys and trainers of racehorses (track work riders) have a physically demanding job. Strength, strength endurance, balance, flexibility and responsiveness are important for these equestrians The trackwork riders train the horses, which are used by jockeys in the races. A jockey can be trackworker, but vice versa is less common. Little research has been done on whether physiological characteristics have a predictive factor in the area of falling.
This study examined both trackwork riders jockeys. All of the equestrians have participated in a number of physical tests to examine the physical condition of the equestrians. They were also asked about their riding style, their foot placement in particular.
What mainly emerged from the study was that a reduced fitness was associated with a greater risk of a fall. This research also showed that riders with a full foot in the stirrup had a greater chance of falling. The riders who used the stirrup with the ball of their foot were the most stable in the saddle, and had the least risk of falling.
Expert opinion by Sophie Delemarre
What wonders me when I was reading research about horseracing is that there are a lot of reviews published that foccuses on jockeys and less on trackwork riders. This while they are the vast majority. It is unfortunate that few riders have participated in this research. The larger the research group, the more reliable the results are. More riders should be examined in the next study.
What I keep finding in every research on rider fitness is that you have to be fit to prevent injuries in horse riding!
> From: Hitchens et al., BMJ Open 1 (2011) 1-7 (Epub ahead of print). All rights reserved to Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 2.0 Licence. Click here for the online summary.